Soul Inspiration – Love after Divorce

Have you ever felt stuck. Perhaps you left and unfulfilling and unhappy relationship and thought, now what? Your kids are older living their best life and your home alone wondering, will I ever find love again.

Maybe you feel stuck in your health & fitness. You’ve noticed you’ve gained a little weight, works been busy and stressful and you’re feeling like nothing you do is working.

I read an article the other day about a woman who divorced her husband after 30 years of marriage, she was 50 and her children had moved out. Researchers are calling this the empty nest era. Couples who are divorcing after their children have left the ‘nest’.

The article went on in detail about how getting divorced later in life is having an impact on society and people’s ability to buy a house and so on. 

I kinda got angry when reading it because the thought of so many women staying in a relationship when they are not happy is really sad. I know because I did it too. I stayed because of the kids, I stayed because of the fear of uncertainty, of what’s next, I stayed because of my lack of self esteem and self worth. 

The moment I made the decision to put my happiness and needs before anyone else my life began to change. 

At the end of the day you have to do what’s right for you. You deserve to be happy and you are worthy of being loved. You are the creator of your own destiny.

You can have an amazing life after divorce and yes if you are open to it, a new relationship. You actually get a new lease on life when your kids leave the nest. Did you know when your kids leave the nest, many women go into menopause, interesting fact.

I share this with you because this was me. I left an emotionally abusive, unhappy, unfulfilled marriage. I found me again and in the process found love again. I know first hand what you need to do to find yourself, improve your health and reignite a new love.

Now, I coach and train divorced women to rediscover themselves as they transition through the next phase of their life, revitalise their health, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually and reignite new love for themselves and a new partner.

If you’re feeling stuck in any area of your life let’s have a conversation.