Soul Inspiration- How Health and Relationships Shape the Quality of Your Life

The quality of your health—physical, mental, and emotional—determines the quality of your life.
The quality of your relationship (with yourself and others) also determines the quality of your life!
I post a lot about health and fitness because that’s what I do. I’m a health and wellness coach and personal trainer, and I’ve been doing this for nearly 20 years.
I also post a lot about relationships because I can see the connection between how our health impacts our relationships and vice versa.
There are many things that cause conflict in relationships—children, finances, behaviors, and energy dynamics. But what I believe is often an underlying source of conflict, both in your relationship with yourself and with others, is VALUES.
Let’s look at two values that might be in conflict, both within yourself and possibly between you and your partner.
FINANCIAL FREEDOM (meaning no debt, free to do whatever, whenever)
ADVENTURE/LIFESTYLE (meaning go places, do fun things, experience new things, living the dream). But all of this costs money, right?
So, if you value Financial Freedom & Adventure, one says save, invest, budget, live a moderate lifestyle, while the other says, “Let’s go have fun, forget the budget, you only live once!” Can you see how this could create conflict within yourself? Now, imagine if one person in a relationship values Financial Freedom and the other values Adventure. Again, can you see how that could create tension between partners?

Here’s another example.
FREEDOM (the ability to do whatever, whenever)
SECURITY (ensuring a roof over your head, stable job, steady income, and not taking risks that could jeopardize those things).
By the way, Nothing has meaning until you give it meaning. So when you identify what you value, ask yourself, what does that value really mean to you?
Back to the second example: Freedom & Security. Can you see how there would be inner conflict if you value both highly? Or how it could cause issues in a relationship if one person values Freedom while the other values Security?
Ultimately, your values will determine the actions you take toward your health, your relationships, and how you live your life.
If health or longevity aren’t on your list of core values, but you want to lose weight, your actions will show me where those values truly sit. I’ll probably never see you again after your first session, because you’re not aligned with your deeper values when it comes to health.
Remember, actions speak louder than words. Get in alignment with your values.
If love, connection, or relationships aren’t high on your list, you’re most likely either divorced, single, or in an unfulfilling, unsatisfying, loveless relationship. It’s not just about what you say you value—it’s about how high those values rank in your life and how you act on them.
So really, it’s the priority of your values that determines the quality of your LIFE.