Soul Inspiration – Listen to the Universe

It’s not until something is taken away from you that you realize how much you actually valued it.

Starting a full time job took away my flexibility and freedom. I didn’t realize how much these meant to me until they were gone.

I now know what I want. I planted the seeds to become an online health & wellness coach 5 years ago in my personal year of one and that energy has followed me up to now, and will continue until I reach my personal year of nine. 

Understanding your personal year can help you foresee obstacles, challenges and opportunities for the year ahead. 

When you work in alignment with that energy you can create whatever your heart desires.

I have now released myself from the shackles of full time employment and will focus my energy on my online coaching and personal training.

I know when my focus is on my full time job, my coaching will not grow. 

“Where focus goes energy flows.”

So I made a decision…I handed in my resignation as manager of club lime Shellharbour and it felt good like a weight had been lifted of my shoulders.

In the beginning I said I’ll do this role for 12 months for the experience and on the side I’ll work on my coaching. Well that didn’t happen. Too many distractions and not enough time. Now I know when my energy was on my gym work that coaching was never going to happen.

I believe every thing happens for a reason and the universe has a way of guiding you in the right direction. For me, I didn’t see the signs or more so mis-read the signs. From the moment I started my job there were problems in the gym, no music, air-con, cleaning etc and it was all out of my control. Members were complaining and cancelling their memberships. I could only do the best I could with what was available to me. I had to do my best to not take it personally. It was only until a friend commented on my post on facebook that I was kindly reminded about how the universe will give us a little shove in the right direction if we are not on the right path. I wholeheartedly agree and believe this. It annoys me because I’m usually really in touch with signs and the universe.

Anyway, I feel really good and happy about my decision. I know I am meant for more and I had to experience everything I did working at Club Lime to reinforce this.

I always say everything happens for a reason. Onwards and upwards from here!

The best is yet to come.